Why Should You Fertilize?
Over time, lawns will lose the nutrients in the soil. Whether through rain or irrigation, the water carries these nutrients out of your lawn. Nutrient deficient lawns are unhealthy and prone to disease. A regular fertilizing program will add these nutrients back into your lawn promoting a stronger root system and healthier plant growth. The 3 key nutrients in fertilizer are Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K). Nitrogen promotes healthy leaf growth with the production of chlorophyll, the chemical essential for photosynthesis. Phosphorus helps develop healthy roots and Potassium strengthens your lawn and help resist drought and disease. The 3 numbers on a fertilizer label are the N-P-K ratio.
A complete program is required for best results. We offer a 4 application granular fertilizing program. (Spring, early summer, later summer and fall). The first 3 applications will promote grass and root development in the growing season and the fall application will prepare your lawn and keep it fed for the dormant winter season.
Starting at $199